
The U-CAM camera converter can be used for a wide variety of applications.

Compatible systems

It is fully compatible with all CODEC or roomPC, cameras, including professional-grade equipment and AI cameras, like Huddly, HuddleCamHD, Aver, Jabra, Logitech, Marshall, Barco cameras, as well as all web cameras (USB 3.0 or 2.0) with SuperSpeed transmission up to 60 fps of full HD to 4k.

Training video

U-CAM 360o Product Presentation


INOGENI showcases U-CAM USB-to-HDMI camera converter as a tier resetter


+ See all videos on Youtube

Convert USB devices to HDMI system or monitor

Meeting room - Classroom

What’s more, new smart applications, such as Huddly Canvas for whiteboards, as well as other AI technologies, including face tracking, body movement recognition, automatic zooming, and automatic color and exposition balancing need to leverage the tremendous potential USB and AI USB cameras offer.

Whiteboard cameras are perfectly compatible with the U-CAM for displays, matrixes or CODECs, like the Cisco Webex series.